Saturday, January 2, 2010

December Round Up

Here's the December Round-Up:

ClickBank income: -0-
Amazon income: $131.00
Freelance writing: $100
Assoc. Content: $9.27

Total: $240.27

And that's it. Not bad, a little less than last month, but I had more views on Associated content last month. This month's daily average was only $7.75 - But I really expect it to grow.
I'm really getting kicking with the One Week Marketing plan now.

And I'm also going to continue with the Christmas Cash Blueprint style lenses. I plan on doing one a week. That means I should have 50 done by next Christmas. Hopefully, that'll bring me some decent green for the holidays!

If you have an hour or two a week that you can devote to making a little bit of extra money, I really recommend the Christmas Cash Blueprint - it's really not just for Christmas! I'm still getting clicks on my product lenses. Check it out - its FREE, it's EASY - you lose nothing by giving it a look-see. If you're at all interested in making money on the internet, and don't know where to start, I feel it's the perfect place to get your feet wet. (I get nothing for sending you there - I just really respect Jackie Lee and the work she does helping people with internet marketing!)
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