Wednesday, November 25, 2009

One week later...

I've spent most of the last week making backlinks for my Squidoo lenses. I now know what my least favorite part of Internet Marketing is - making backlinks. Basically, I've been writing articles of about 300 words in which I can put a link back to my Squidoo lens - (get it? link back = backlink!) and posting them on free article sites. I've put some on, some on and even more on various other similar article directories. But that's what you've got to do, soI'm doing it! My lenses still aren't where I want them to be in Google - I've got about a third of them on the front page, some at the #3 and #4 spots. I originally had a lot more - but I can see that the Christmas competition is really heating up, and other pages are passing me by. So, I'll just keep on chugging along, and make as many back links as I can, and hopefully get the rest of these things at least up to the first page of Google.

I HAVE had some good news though - two more sales this week, for which I earned about $10. So it is possible to make money with Squidoo lenses and as an Amazon Associate. $10 in a week doesn't sound like a lot - but you figure, I wrote an article also for $25, and made about $4 on page views. so that's nearly $40 this week. Ok.. still not a lot -- but I'm new! I'm just starting, and still learning. And if I can make $40/week with what I've got, I can double it and make $80. Then triple it, and make $120. Remember, with affiliate marketing, it's that set it and forget it thing - once you've got the work done, it keeps making money for you even if you don't do anything else.

Also, my money came in this Monday, so I've done a transfer over to PayPal. As soon as that's through, I'll be purchasing One Week Marketing from PotPieGirl. I'm REALLY eager to get started!! I already have a couple niche ideas, so I just need to get the blue print on how to get started. If you think One Week Marketing might be something you'd like to try, or if you're just interested in seeing what it's all about, PotPieGirl let's you download the first 18 pages for free. Check it out if you're at all interested in making money online.

If you've checked out Squidoo and would like to know how to get started making lenses the easiest way, PotPieGirl also makes a great Squidoo tutorial available for free download. I had already started making Squidoo lenses and thought I knew what I was doing - her tutorial made me better and faster. I recommend it if you want to make money - or just make lenses. It's free, so you can't go wrong.

Oh - and my lens traffic? Remember last week when I said it had moved up to 215 views per week? Up through today I was at 320/week. w00t!
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