Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Some of my money making ideas...

I've been trying (albeit not very hard) for a few years now to think of ways to make money. I have to admit that I've been looking for a way to make a decent amount of money (say, $1500/month) with something that I could do from home, would give me lots of time with my family, and wouldn't cost me anything to start. And if I didn't have to work very hard, that would be even better!

As I mentioned, my first money making idea was article writing. And right now I've got a small income stream, about $140, from it that includes about 4 hours of work a month. That could easily grow if I wrote more articles - I get paid per click, so the more articles I have out there, obviously the more clicks I'll get. It takes a lot of knowledge about SEO (search engine optimization), which means you've got to know about keywords, finding KWs that people are looking for, and getting them to your article. If you're article doesn't rank high on Google, you probably won't get a lot of page hits.

So, to get my articles higher on Google, I started making backlinks - and that brought me to Squidoo. This is the most recent of my money making ideas, and I'm following a plan that I learned from Jackie Lee's Christmas Cash Blueprint. It has everything I was looking for - it was simple to follow, I could start it right now with no material, and it was FREE. I've been building CCB lenses on Squidoo since the 1st of October - I have nearly 30 of them. So far, I've seen $35 in sales. It's not much, I realize - but we'll see how things go as we pass the middle of November here.

And where do I go from here? Well, hopefully, the lenses from the CCB will continue pulling some sales for me even after the holidays are over. I can refresh those lenses, take out the Christmas references and link them to some other blogs. But apart from that, I'm going to move on to PotPieGirl's One Week Marketing plan. Basically, it's doing niche sites - picking a product (either physical or digital) and making pages based on SEO and keywords to get people to come and buy the product. I'm sure it's not as easy as I just made it sound :) But that's what I'm going to be doing for the next 6 months. I'll post here about what I learn, and how I do. If I'm doing other things, like the article writing, I'll also post about that. And I'll keep a tally of how much I'm actually making here - so if you're following along, you can see if the work I have to put into it is worth the trouble.

If the PotPieGirl or Squidoo sound interesting to you, she's got a FREE Squidoo guide - click on over and check it out.

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