Sunday, February 28, 2010

Monthly Update for February

Coins and banknotes, two of the most common ph...Image via Wikipedia

It's that time again - time for another monthly update.

I've found a new way of making backlinks for my pages, and it really seems to be working well. I've seen about a 20% increase in traffic, and have also seen an increase in my Amazon sales, and I've only been doing it about 3 weeks now. I've got so many lenses out there, but none of them are really ranking well in Google, so I thought for the next short while, I'd change tactics and spend more time building on what I have, rather than making a bunch of new stuff that's not earning me anything.

One thing I did realize - that I'll start working on this coming month - is that I can use blog posts and other articles I've written on Associated Content and make some money from them. Most of them will just need a little bit of editing, and I can't make any upfront money from them - but they can add to my page views.

So - here's the numbers:

Freelance writing: $100
Associated Content: $2.97
Amazon: $43.28
Other affiliates: 0

Grand Total: $146.25

So - No clickbank sales this month, which is a definite bummer. I'm going to promote my OWM sites hard core this coming month, and do a ton of backlinks to those sites, so hopefully, that will make a big difference.

ALSO - I'm taking on some more freelance work, doing backlinks for someone else, so I'll be making another $50/month on that one.

Slowly, but sure, I think I can see things starting to turn a corner!

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Thursday, February 4, 2010

It's definitely post-Christmas :(

My income took a big dive this month. I'm still working hard, though!

Amazon: $25.10
Freelance Writing: $100
Clickbank/other affiliates: $26.96
Assoc. content: $3.16

Total: $155.22

Ok, I seem to be going in reverse - instead of making more money each month, I'm making less. It's definitely a bummer. But I think it's just because of when I started - right before Christmas. I was lucky to get a bunch of Christmas sales, and now I'm feeling the lack of all that money being thrown around. However, I'm starting to get Clickbank sales from my OWM lenses, and I don't see any reason why that shouldn't just keep going up. So, I'll keep plugging away and taking action!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Goals for the New Year

I'm pretty sure I've already said this - but I want to have a post where I've got everything laid out clearly. 

My goal for this year is to get to a point where I'm making $100/day from the internet. Right now, I'm making $8/day, so I have a way to go still.

I'm doing this through article writing, which earns me about $100/month right now, and internet marketing.

Two-fold Marketing Plan for the first 6 months:

1) One Week Marketing - to continue with the OWM method, creating a new campaign each week.
2) CCB - to continue creating one Squidoo lens weekly that fits in with the Christmas Cash Blueprint plan.  Because it's NEVER too early to start planning for Christmas sales. ;)

At the end of 6 months, I will re-evaluate, and hopefully will have enough income coming in that I can start doing some more intensive types of marketing, to include niche blogging on my own domains.

I've gone from ZERO to $250 a month in about 3 months. I really expect that number to keep growing. If you'd like to come along with me, check out PotPieGirl's One Week Marketing, and feel free to ask me any questions! Looking for something simple you can do in your spare time to make some spare change?  Check out the Squidoo Guide over on the side!

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Saturday, January 2, 2010

December Round Up

Here's the December Round-Up:

ClickBank income: -0-
Amazon income: $131.00
Freelance writing: $100
Assoc. Content: $9.27

Total: $240.27

And that's it. Not bad, a little less than last month, but I had more views on Associated content last month. This month's daily average was only $7.75 - But I really expect it to grow.
I'm really getting kicking with the One Week Marketing plan now.

And I'm also going to continue with the Christmas Cash Blueprint style lenses. I plan on doing one a week. That means I should have 50 done by next Christmas. Hopefully, that'll bring me some decent green for the holidays!

If you have an hour or two a week that you can devote to making a little bit of extra money, I really recommend the Christmas Cash Blueprint - it's really not just for Christmas! I'm still getting clicks on my product lenses. Check it out - its FREE, it's EASY - you lose nothing by giving it a look-see. If you're at all interested in making money on the internet, and don't know where to start, I feel it's the perfect place to get your feet wet. (I get nothing for sending you there - I just really respect Jackie Lee and the work she does helping people with internet marketing!)
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